My Belen hunt was a success! Found this set in Papemelroti--made by hand, too! (I'm sure, because no two Marys look alike--and there are finger marks on them hehe!)
I live in a 2 room condo unit so there's really no space for a Christmas tree or Advent Wreath, hence the Belen hunt. We have a big Belen set, but they're put away in a storage box at a relative's house. We'll get it back when we find a real house to move into. So for this year, this dainty set will do just fine.
It only has three characters, though, and no animals. (I'd like to think the three kings haven't arrived yet--they're due on January 6!)
On a Belen-related note... why not pick up Enrique Monasterio's God Has Made a Bethlehem this Christmas season? It's a retelling of the Christmas story from the point of view of all the characters you see in the Belen: the star that lit the way of the three kings, the angel Gabriel, the inn keeper, the shepherd...even the souls of the babies who were killed by Herod's new law. This book sees the Nativity story in many ways--I guess it proves also the many ways we can encounter Christ this season.
Merry Christmas! :D
Nice! You know what -- today I was actually wondering if you had a Belen already. I saw those beautiful cardboard star lanterns with light bulbs inside, at the mall, and was thinking of getting one for you just to have a reminder of Christmas at home. If it wasn't a Belen then I figured the Star of Bethlehem would do. Glad to know you've got the Nativity scene already :-)
Uy, I didn't see those cardboard ones. Wow am touched :) hehe!! May nice set sa Rustan's na may style--boxy-shaped characters, but it's so expensive naman. Am really happy with this one I got. Papemelroti rules :D
How sweet..! Love that Christmas ornaments.
this is TOO CUTE!! haha :)
we don't have a belen. booo!
it is cute! never too late to get one ;)
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