Friday, June 20, 2008

Today's violent reaction

Good ideas are often borne from a previous limitation/handicap, and Hindy Weber Tantoco's new clothing line for kids, Kiddos, is no exception. According to Cheche V. Moral for the Philippine Daily Inquirer, "Kiddos was born out of [Tantoco's] nine-year-old son’s need for clothing that shouldn’t 'brainwash you into buying the cartoon clothes, shoes, toothbrush,' says the designer and mother of three. Her son attends a school that discourages watching TV."

Though an idea that is by no means new in the market, this line of clothing still gives parents another way to dress their kids. It's good to read about moms dressing their kids like the kids they are...but wait! Moral continues:

While the first collection for girls consists of real little girls’ pieces—dresses and tees with floral patterns and nautical stripes, ballerina flats—the idea of creating clothes that would make the little ones Mini-Me versions of their mommies isn’t unlikely.

“We even see girls wearing shoes with heels. Not yet, but we’ll see,” says Tantoco.


Parents, if you care about your little girls, don't get them heels. Not only are they bad for the growing feet and developing balance of your child, they also make the little ones grow up too soon. Do let kids be kids--there's nothing they'd love more than to run barefoot and dressed in clothing that would allow them to fit through the smallest of corners and climb the highest of trees.

As for Ms. Tantoco, while her line is still new and child-centered, I hope that she realizes Mini-mes aren't as good an idea as she first thought.

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